5 Simple & Achievable Wellness Resolutions for 2025
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My 5 Simple & Achievable Wellness Resolutions for 2025 | Slow Living Inspiration
New Year, New Me? No, not really. New year, mindful and focused me. Winter is a time for rest and stillness, the perfect opportunity for deep retrospection and reflection on how we want to shape the year ahead. If you've read my January Slow Living "to-do" list, you’ll know I’m not one to jump into life-changing, hectic diets and workout routines. Setting unrealistic goals is the fastest path to failure. If we couldn’t stick to something in April, August or November, how are we suddenly supposed to embrace (and enjoy) it in January and beyond?
Over the Christmas and New Year break, I had some time to ponder my next 12 months and consider areas of my life I’d like to improve, deepen or change. I thought I’d share my final "resolutions" (if you can call them that) in the wellness and beauty department. Perhaps some of you will feel inspired to try them too?
1. Ginger, Herbs, and Warm Water
I’m not giving up coffee, but in 2025 I want to drink significantly more warm water and herbal teas. While drinking herbal tea is perfectly normal in our Western culture, warm water? I first came across it when searching for natural ways to support my not-always-happy digestive system.
Drinking warm water is a common practice in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to aid digestion and improve circulation. Adding herbs like mint or ginger might gently support our digestive system too. I’m cautious about "detoxifying" claims (our liver handles that), but it makes sense: warmth helps materials expand, while cold makes them contract. Drinking warm water or herbal tea feels like to using a hot water bottle on a hurting belly - only from the inside.
2. Embracing Natural Hair
This is it: my husband has officially won. Andrei is not one to tell me what to wear or how to look, but he’s been a gentle advocate for embracing my naturally curly hair for the longest time. In 2025, I’m officially putting my hair straightener away.
Does anyone else feel like every time they open Instagram, a woman with perfectly blow-dried hair materialises? Sadly, my high-porosity, dry hair suffers greatly every time I style it and the sleek Princess of Wales-inspired blow-dry will remain a faraway dream.
This year I’m embracing my curly hair and healing it. I’ll focus on deep conditioning and hair oiling for the next 12 months, hoping to make my hair softer, shinier, and longer.
3. Yoga
By summer 2025, I’ll have been practising yoga for nine years! There have been times when I was very serious about yoga and times when it became more casual, but it’s always been present. At heart, I consider myself a yoga girl through and through. In 2025, I want to return to a bit more structure and seriousness in my practice.
It’s thanks to yoga that I’m here writing this post! I first became interested in seasonal living and mindfulness when I began yoga, which eventually led me to open a small shop selling candles for yoga and relaxation. It was called Yoga Rituals - yep, that’s what YR Studio stands for, if you’ve ever wondered! We eventually expanded into the candle ranges you know us for today: Spring & Summer, Autumn, Christmas, gift candles etc, so we shortened the name to YR Studio. But at heart, these candles are still made to help you feel calm and cosy. So yes, more yoga in 2025, because it only leads to good things.
4. Cutting Down Sugar
Confession time: every 1st of November, my husband and I officially open "mince pie season" and from that day until the end of December, we eat a mince pie a day... on top of our usual sweet snacks, gingerbread lattes and seasonal pastries. As you can see, November and December are high-sugar months in our household, and it’s time to bring things back to normal.
When I was on my weight-loss journey, I limited myself to one sweet snack a day - whether it was a piece of cake or a chocolate bar, just one. It worked well for me and reset my taste buds, helping me notice the natural sweetness in foods like carrots and apples
My resolution: one sweet treat a day and no sugary syrups in takeaway coffees.
5. Gut Health
Gut health has become a bit of a buzzword recently, often overcomplicated by people selling powders and pills that claim to do what a balanced diet naturally achieves. For me, simplicity is key. Here’s how I’m supporting the friendly bacteria in my gut this year:
- Cutting down on coffee
- Drinking more water
- Reducing sugar
- Regular exercise (running + yoga)
- Eating a variety of vegetables every day
- Including fermented foods like gherkins and yoghurt
- Adding prebiotic-rich foods like bananas and garlic
- Incorporating ginger and turmeric daily for their natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
A few final words
These are my five resolutions for 2025. I think they’re reasonable and achievable. None of these will drastically change my life or appearance, but they will help me feel good in my body and mind. As a mum of two, a business owner, a wife and a daughter, among the many roles I juggle daily, feeling mentally and physically capable is so important to me.
I’d love to hear about your plans and intentions for the year ahead - what are your thoughts? Let’s make 2025 a year of mindful, intentional living in tune with the seasons.
Adriana x
Find our wildflower mug and rustic candle holders here and "Cosy Cottage" Magnolia Cherry candle here