Slow Living November To-Do list
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Slow Living in November: Embrace the Beauty of a Slow Life
November, the month of the most beautiful Autumn colours and the first bare trees. When our favourite forest paths are thick with fallen leaves and dark evenings are illuminated by twinkling lights. This month marks the end of British Summer Time; the days are short and gloomy, and long nights bring the first frosts.
For me, November (especially the first couple of weeks) is mentally the calmest time of the year. The Christmas rush hasn't properly started yet, nature quietens as we progress into November, and the relatively short days and cold, crispy air usher us to our cosy and warm homes, which become little havens on those dark November days.
I love November. It's my and my husband's birth month; it's also YR Studio’s official launch month. I worked on the website, mailing list, and social media pages starting in April 2018, and the shop went live on November 6th—it was my gift to myself for my 30th birthday and, looking back, a way to start something new and meaningful, which I was craving deep down. Anyway, enough about me!
Explore my slow living to-do lists for each month of the year here
November is a month of many oppositions—the peak of Autumn colour and bare trees, the black night sky illuminated by fireworks and the first twinkling lights, the cold winds and the warmth of our homes. It is a beautiful month to slow down our tempo and pay attention to the wonderful world we get to live in.
Here is my Slow Living To-Do for November:
1. Support Your Immune System
You already heard it last month, and I'll repeat it: take care of your immune system. The shift in weather makes it so important to take extra care of our health. Include warming, nutrient-rich foods like roasted vegetables, hearty soups, and herbal teas with immune-boosting ingredients like ginger, turmeric, and garlic.
Although feeling cold won't give you the flu or a sore throat (you need to be infected with a virus for that), staying warm helps your body create the mucus that is designed to capture viruses inside your chest and remove them. I’ll sound like my mum now, but dress warmly, wear socks, and cover your kidneys :)
2. Slow Down and Find Rest
We've been observing leaves falling since late August, and now, in November here in the English countryside, it's the very last moments before trees lull themselves to sleep.
As nature is winding down, we take a leaf out of its book. Soon your to-do list will be full of social gatherings, festive shopping, and for many of us—extra work-related tasks. Slow living is about balancing real-life business with quiet moments of true peace that help us stay balanced and happy. Also, remember it's okay to say "no" to things that feel like too much of a chore.
3. Allow Yourself to Celebrate Whatever Makes You Happy
Scrolling social media these days will show you people who switch Christmas mode on at midnight on November 1st and, on the other side, people who think it's way too early. The comments can get nasty, as it seems to be a very polarising topic.
If you ask me, I just say: do whatever makes you happy. I personally start adding festive touches to my home in the second week of November, and the Christmas tree goes up in early December. At the same time, I have zero problems with people who put the tree up earlier or those who don’t do it at all. A fun fact: my husband, before meeting me, never once in his life bothered to put up a Christmas tree :D
Honour what feels right to you and helps you feel mentally comfortable. Only then will you be able to slow down enough to appreciate the joys of November - whether it's the last of the Autumn leaves and pumpkin spice lattes or festive shopping and Christmas lights… or all of it, because who says we can't have it all?
4. Walks in the Countryside and Forest
My favourite point that makes it onto every single monthly to-do list: nature walks! Make the most of nature’s quiet transformation with walks in the countryside. It’s your chance to connect with the seasonal rhythms, quiet your mind and appreciate the last moments of Autumn.
5. Cosy Home Rituals
With November comes the desire to make our homes warm and inviting. Light YR Studio candles, put up some cosy seasonal decor, and bring out extra cushions and blankets. This is the perfect time to add little rituals that make your living space feel comforting: update your favourite sitting spot or book nook, add little festive touches (or go all out!) around your living space, and if you are into DIYs, perhaps finally tackle the project you’ve been thinking about for a while.
For the next few months, our home will be our shelter from the cold and darkness, so let’s make it as cosy and welcoming as possible.
6. Gently Prepare for Winter
Take time to prepare for the colder months by organising your wardrobe and making plans for Winter meals and indoor activities (especially if you have little humans or excited animals to entertain). Preparing slowly and with intention will make Winter feel like a welcome season of rest rather than something to dread.
November has a bad reputation as a month of murky skies and grey days. People who think this way just fail to see that it’s the gloominess that allows our festive lights, fireplaces, and candles to shine! The long, sunny days of Spring and Summer will be here before we know it, but for now, let’s get cosy inside our warm and safe homes and appreciate November for bringing us seasonal joy, warmth and a sense of peace.
Adriana x