How to Live Seasonally When You Are Tired of Winter & Rain
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How to Live Seasonally When Winter & Rain Feel Endless
February is the in-between month - the last moments of Winter and the promise of coming Spring. The excitement of a fresh start in the New Year has worn off by now, yet Spring still feels far away. Although it might be hard to feel that way, it's a perfect time to practice slow, seasonal living and being present.
We're still enjoying the cosiness of Winter, wearing sweaters, burning candles and warming ourselves with cups of tea in the evenings, while also keeping an eye out for the first Spring flowers. Days with bright blue skies and sunshine feel like a hug for the soul, bringing back the optimism and enthusiasm we often lose during the darker part of the year.
At this time of year, it's easy to feel tired of the cold and gloom, wishing Spring would come faster. But as we slowly say goodbye to Winter, let's try to enjoy these days in between.
Remember that it's always darkest before the dawn and if you're feeling weary of Winter and cold weather, hopefully, this post will help you find a glimmer of hope and some contentment in this transitional time between Winter and Spring
1. Celebrate the Turning of the Wheel
Although it might feel like we've been stuck in Winter for a while, the truth is that the natural world is never stagnant - the Wheel of the Year is always turning.
On February 1st, we celebrated Imbolc - the first of the Spring festivals on the Wheel of the Year. It marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. In February, we are closer to the first day of Spring than the first day of Winter and each day, we are gaining precious minutes of daylight.
Why not celebrate the festivals on the Wheel of the Year? I mean this in a completely non-religious, nature-focused way. Some ideas to celebrate Imbolc include:
- Light a Spring candle to welcome and honour the sun.
- Go for a nature walk and try to spot the first signs of Spring.
- Make a small feast to celebrate with your family (grains, bread, dairy, and early Spring ingredients).
- Practice sun salutations to honour the sun and your body.
- Decorate your home with seasonal flowers, YR studio Spring candles, wreaths and garlands.
2. Shift Your Mindset Around Rain
Rain is a frequent guest in England in February, and nothing will change that, so the best thing we can do is accept it. Rainy days are the perfect excuse to slow down and get cosy, even when there’s a lot of work to do. My mum always says that she prefers working on rainy days because she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out.
Thanks to rain, we have nowhere to be, so we might as well focus on reading, ironing, working on our spreadsheets or whatever else we need to do.
Also rain is actually really good for our health. Studies show that the sound of rain enhances relaxation and improves sleep quality. Apparently, it slows brain waves, promoting a calm state.
The same goes for scent. The fresh, earthy smell after rain - called petrichor - is linked to feelings of nostalgia and relaxation.
Rain is simply a fundamental part of our ecosystem. If we want to enjoy abundant gardens, fields, and forests in Summer and Autumn, we need Mother Nature to do her thing - even if it makes our hair frizzy lol!
By the way, we have candles inspired by forest rain and the scent of the woods for those who want to bring nature indoors <3
3. Spot the First Sings of Spring
If Spring is heavily on your mind, keep an eye out for the first brave flowers of the year. You can spot daffodils and snowdrops all around the English countryside: by an old tree trunk, on the side of the road or in a neighbours cottage garden. Finding the first daffodils of the year brought me so much joy this month. Their yellow heads are a reminder that Spring is on its way, even on the greyest days.
You can also easily bring them home - garden centres, farm shops and even supermarkets often sell bulbs that are already in pots, ready to flower. Pop them into a pretty planter and they will give you a couple of weeks of beautiful Spring flowers indoors.
4. Brave the Weather and Go for a Walk
They say there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing - and that's especially true for rainy days. Layer up, grab your wellies, umbrella or raincoat and brave a nature walk. Spending time in the nature - no matter the weather - is great for our wellbeing and you’ll be happy you managed to drag yourself out of the house.
If you're a bit of a loner and don’t enjoy meeting too many people during your nature walks (just like my husband and me lol), cold and rainy days are perfect for you. There’s a much smaller chance of running into anyone, even in popular walking spots, so it feels like you have the entire place to yourself.
5. Begin Gentle Work
Remember the Slow Living To-Do List from January? We talked about how nature is still dormant and it’s too early to jump into radical life changes, despite modern expectations on January 1st. But now, in mid-February, nature is slowly waking up - and so can you.
The dreams and plans you were making last month? It’s time to start acting on them. Maybe not at full speed, but at least begin preparing.
Perhaps start gentle exercise, order art supplies or begin drafting the book or project you've been thinking about.
A Few Closing Words
Even if our hearts are skipping ahead to Spring, let's try to make the most of the rest of Winter. These cold, gloomy days of February are the perfect setting to slow down and enjoy the rain, the first flowers and the flickering light of a candle, giving us time to prepare for the coming of Spring.
In my experience, time usually flies faster than we like, so let’s make a conscious effort to be present here and now, as it’s the only real place that exists
Adriana x
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