Slow Living July To-Do List
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10 Ways to Embrace Slow Living in July: A Thoughtful Guide
July is a perfect month to practice slow living - it's a beautiful month of blooming roses, balmy evenings, and the beginning of the school Summer holidays. The 1st of July is also exactly the midpoint of the year, inviting us to reflect on this year so far and how we want to move forward. Its long, warm days and nature in bloom encourage us to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Slow Living in July
As we're now past the Summer Solstice, despite the sun being at its peak, the days are already getting shorter. There is something very nostalgic for me in knowing that despite the long, golden days and warmth, the power of the sun is waning, leading us to the cold winds and dark evenings of Autumn.
Even more so, I think we should make the most out of these wonderful days of Summer, and I hope this blog post will help you do just that. Here’s my monthly thoughtful "to-do" list for July to inspire you to live slowly and cherish each day this month.
1. Take Walks in Nature
The days are warm and with many daylight hours this has to be my first point this month - spend time outdoors! Walking in nature is my favourite way to slow down and connect with the world around me. The fields are changing, the roses, lavender, digitalis, and hundreds more flowers are blooming, and there’s a special kind of peace that comes from being surrounded by nature. Take long walks in the countryside, walled garden, or your local park, and take the time to notice the small details - the way the light filters through the leaves, the sounds of the birds, the scent of the flowers. Be fully present and enjoy the beauty and abundance of the season.
Explore new trails or revisit favourite spots. Spending time in nature is also a perfect occasion to disconnect from technology and daily stresses, giving your mind a chance to unwind and relax.
2. Admire the Changing Fields
This July, as you walk in nature, pay special attention to the changing fields. The English countryside is evolving, with some of the fields already turning gold and hay bales appearing on the fields. July is a time when the fields are full of life and growth, and you can often spot tractors working on the farmlands.
Whether it’s the golden wheat fields swaying in the breeze or the lush green meadows dotted with wildflowers, take a moment to appreciate the abundance of the season. This simple act of noticing the beauty of nature brings a sense of calm and gratitude.
3. Bake Bread or Something with Flour
Summer makes me think of harvest and golden wheat fields. One of the ways our ancestors celebrated Lughnasadh - the beginning of the harvest - was to bake bread, and I think it’s a lovely tradition worth continuing. There’s something incredibly satisfying about baking your own bread or other flour-based goodies. Try different types of flour, add seeds or nuts for extra texture, or bake a batch of muffins with fresh berries. The mixing, kneading, and baking is a peaceful activity that makes me feel cosy and calm, and the end result is always worth the effort.
If you’re new to baking, I recommend this no-knead bread recipe - despite how easy it is, the bread is actually delicious and everyone in our family loves it.
Here are my three favourite Summer recipes: READ HERE
4. Celebrate Long Evenings
One of the joys of July is the long, balmy evenings. Make the most of these extended daylight hours by spending time outdoors. As a mum of a 5-year-old, I rarely have a chance to go out in the evening (we don’t really have any help with childcare; my husband’s and my parents live abroad), but if I get one evening free this July, I’d choose a sunset walk in the Quantock Hills in a heartbeat.
Sunset walks are incredibly romantic and peaceful. A walk in nature is one of the best ways to end the day. Imagine coming back home as it’s getting dark, putting the kettle on, lighting YR studio’s "Cosy Cottage" or "Quiet Moments" natural wax candle, sitting down in your favourite spot with a book, appreciating the cosiness and safety of your home, and then going to bed with a peaceful mind and relaxed body. I really hope that sunset walks will become my reality as Rosie gets older.
5. Decorate Your House for Harvest
Yesss, the point I’m really excited to write about - as we move through July, it’s a great time to start decorating your home with a harvest theme (I'll be sharing it on my youtube channel soon!). Use natural elements like wheat, dried flowers, seasonal fruits, and vegetables in wicker baskets, and of course, YR studio candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. These decorations not only look lovely but also remind us of the abundance and beauty of the season.
YR studio candles add a cosy touch and bring a sense of calm and tranquility. They are a perfect addition to your harvest decor. Decide if you prefer our English countryside-inspired Summer candles or if you are ready to dive straight into our Autumn and pumpkin candles.
6. Notice Simple Joys and Ordinary Moments
Take some time this month to reflect on and enjoy the simple pleasures that July offers. What brings you happiness and peace? It could be something as simple as a quiet cup of tea in the morning, a good book, or a walk in the forest.
This month I want to read more. Reading brings me joy, and I've always been a bookworm, but writing this blog and editing my YouTube videos take a huge chunk of my time, and I actually read less than I did even last year. So my simple pleasure this month will be spending more time with a book in my hand. What will be yours?
7. Visit a Local Festival
July is often filled with local festivals and events that celebrate the Summer season. I’m not a party person, so I can’t talk much about music festivals, but I know they are abundant and if they bring you joy - do it! Our family likes to visit local, kids-friendly festivals, whether it’s a village show, food fair, or craft market. These events are a great way to become a part of your community, discover new things, support local businesses, and enjoy the fun, Summery atmosphere of the community coming together.
8. Cook with Locally Grown Produce
We've already talked about baking, but I'm a huge foodie and July offers so much fresh fruits and vegetables, I had to add this point too. One of the best ways to embrace slow living is to cook with locally grown produce. Visit your local farm shop or market and pick up fresh fruits and vegetables. This way you support local farmers while also enjoying food that is in season and at its freshest.
If you're not into cooking or want a little break, then try shopping in your local farm shop. Ours usually offer all sorts of cheeses, meats, and ready meals like pies and pastries all made with locally sourced ingredients, quite often grown on their own farmland! You get to support local businesses, eat delicious food without cooking and cleaning, and tune in with the season and nature thanks to locally grown food - I cannot think of a better way (and more delicious!) to embrace slow and mindful living.
9. Reflect on Mid-Year
The end of June/beginning of July marks the middle of the year, making it a perfect time for reflection. Take some time to look back on the past six months and think about what you have achieved and what you would like to focus on for the rest of the year. Be gentle in the process, but also realistic. It’s a great way to stay on track with your goals and make adjustments if needed.
What have been your successes? What challenges have you faced? Reflecting on these will give you valuable insights and help you plan for the coming months. You might also set new goals or adjust existing ones, making sure they align with your values and goals. Remember, things change, and we as humans change too, so if your goals need to be updated at this point in time, don’t hesitate. This mid-year reflection can bring clarity and a renewed sense of enthusiasm and motivation.
10. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is key to slow living. Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you are grateful for. It could be something small, like a sunny day, your husband bringing you coffee to bed, or a washing machine (imagine washing all clothes by hand like our great grandmothers did...). Noticing these small moments and things can be a great way to cultivate this practice and remind yourself of all the good things that are happening in your life.
This is my Slow Living "To-Do" list for July. I hope some of the points inspired you or reminded you of things that might have slipped in the everyday rush. Don’t ever feel guilty; slow living is a practice, not a performance, and no one has it completely right. I hope by following these simple points, you can embrace slow living and find joy in the simple things this month. Here’s to a peaceful and fulfilling July!
Adriana x