How to Slow Down and Let Go - Life Lessons from Autumn

How to Slow Down and Let Go: Learning from Autumn in the English Countryside
The end of September is when you can really start feeling Autumn in the English countryside. The mornings are positively cold, and the nearby Quantock Hills get covered in mist or fog a lot more often. Despite the forest still being green and abundant, there is a feeling of things ending. Trees are changing colours; the first acorns are falling to the ground, and you can spot squirrels gathering food in preparation for Winter.
We humans, just like animals, can sense the shift in nature—after all, we are part of the natural world too. It hasn't been that long ago when we lived without central heating, electricity, and convenient supermarkets. Sensing changes in the seasons and following their rhythm is deep in our DNA. Although we are blessed to be able to enjoy the commodities of the 21st century, I believe that nourishing this instinct that keeps us in tune with nature is beneficial for our bodies and minds.
Autumn is a time when the busyness of Summer is slowing down, and our attention turns inwards towards our homes and ourselves. The time of sowing seeds and growth is now almost gone. It's time to pick the fruits of our labour and prepare for the Winter rest. This coming dark part of the year is a perfect time for introspection, evaluation, and letting go of things that don't serve us.
Observing Autumn in the English countryside has taught me so much about life, letting go, and embracing change. In this season, I find inspiration and comfort, and I want to share with you the beautiful lessons it offers.
1. Embrace Change
One of the first things Autumn teaches us is to embrace change. Fearing change is deep in our human nature—we all long for feelings of safety and stability. Especially when things are good, we want them to stay the same for as long as possible. But life is ever-evolving, and Autumn, with its falling leaves and transforming landscapes, reminds us that change is a necessary part of life. It prevents stagnation, helping us learn, grow, and keep moving forward.
2. The Importance of Rest for Both Our Bodies and Minds
Autumn is naturally a time for closing Spring and Summer affairs and preparing for Winter. After the freshness of Spring and the fullness of Summer, Autumn arrives as a reminder to slow down, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to rest.
As nature slows its pace and prepares for Winter’s stillness, we are reminded that we, as humans, are part of the natural world too—and nothing in it blooms all year round. Autumn teaches us the importance of rest for both our bodies and minds.
3. Harvesting the Fruits of Our Own Labour
Autumn is the perfect time to look back at Spring and Summer, reflect on how far we’ve come, and celebrate our work and its results. Even if things didn't go as planned, look for the valuable lessons that came from it. You've made it so far this year, making the best out of your life, and this should be appreciated and celebrated. You deserve it!
4. Let Go of Things That Don’t Serve Us
One of the most important lessons Autumn teaches us is to let go of things that don’t serve us. This includes physical items and clutter, bad habits, and unfortunately, people. Though it may sound harsh, we sometimes need to let go of anything and anyone to restore our own peace.
Mental peace is the most precious thing—no money can buy it. If something continuously stands in the way of your inner calm, it needs to go, and you don’t need to explain yourself and your motives; your gut feeling is usually right. Just like Autumn trees let go of leaves every year, after a period of rest, they restore themselves and grow again. We humans also need to curate our environment and remove things that don’t serve our well-being.

A few closing words
I know that for many of us the last quarter of the year is busier than ever, with work speeding up, festive gathering invitations, and Christmas gift shopping. I strongly believe the busier we are, the more we need slow living. Don't beat yourself over busy days, but rather try to find moments of peace and calm in your day. Treat your home like a sanctuary, where work-related stress is not invited in. Light a YR studio candle, spend some time thinking about your life in the past few months, and remember that the true nature of slow living lies in appreciating the small, simple joys of our everyday life.
Thank you for reading,
Adriana x