It’s (Not) a Flex to Be Busy All the Time

It’s (Not) a Flex to Be Busy All the Time

Embracing Rest and Mindful Living This Christmas and New Year 2025

… and breathe. All is done. I’m writing this on Christmas Eve in my cosy corner on the sofa. Andrei and our older son are playing games on the big screen, while our younger daughter is in her room being (suspiciously) quiet. Later this evening, we’ll have our annual movie night, watching “Home Alone” and snacking on a grazing board.

But for now, everything is quiet. The shop is closed, there are no orders coming in, the house is cleaned, shopping is done, gifts are wrapped… I thought it was the perfect occasion to get cosy and write down some thoughts about how the past month has been.

It’s been busy - I mean really busy. The November/December period is the peak of the shopping season and Andrei and I have been preparing for it since January. This small business is how we put food on the table and seeing it thrive fills me with so many emotions: happiness, pride, gratitude…

And in this sense, being busy is a flex. We’ve had an amazing 2024, and the last two months have been the absolute peak. I’m proud.

But even on the busiest days, I always made sure to slow down, even just for a moment. To catch my breath, eat a nourishing meal and switch off my brain from constantly processing shop data.

Because I’ve learned that being busy all the time is not a flex. It’s the fastest road to burnout, health problems and feeling miserable. In a world that bombards us non-stop with new trends, places to be and things to watch or read, it’s easy to feel busy even during our “off” time.

Our society has somehow led us to believe that being busy all the time is some kind of achievement. But in my books, slow moments, days with nowhere to be and cherishing small joys are the real wealth.

To be completely clear: being busy IS okay. It’s normal. Adult life is full of tasks, responsibilities and people (young and old) to take care of - and that’s a good thing. It gives us purpose and meaning. Our ancestors spent a majority of their days hunting and gathering, so being occupied is very much in our DNA. But being busy all the time - both physically and mentally - is not okay.

Studies show that women, even when working full-time, handle the majority of house chores and childcare. Add to that the invisible load of remembering tasks, managing schedules and organising family life… it’s easy to see how this can leave us feeling exhausted and unable to recharge.

This Christmas and New Year, let’s truly embrace rest. Let’s drink our coffee slowly, pause for a moment longer than necessary, go for a walk in the forest and leave our phones in the car.

Let’s not be afraid to delegate tasks, say no to tight schedules and disappoint people who expect us to bend over backward for them #SorryNotSorry

2025 will be the year of reaching our goals at a mindful pace, enjoying every step of the way. No quick wins or instant gratification, but a steady walk - where we make progress while still having time to notice the details of our journey and smell the flowers.

Let’s do it! Merry Christmas and here’s to a wholesome 2025! 

Adriana x

"Nourish to Flourish" lemon lavender candle shop here

It’s (Not) a Flex to Be Busy All the Time
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