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Slow Living April's To-Do List

Slow living April's to do list: A Guide to Simple Living and Joyful Moments in Spring

Slow living April's to do list: A Guide to Simple Living and Joyful Moments in Spring

Welcome April! This joyful month invites us to ease into warmer days, appreciating nature's unfolding beauty and embracing a simpler way of life. April in Somerset marks the time of nature's transformation. Although signs of Spring and colourful flowers began appearing a couple of months ago, many trees are still bare... but not for long. By the end of April, the forest will be green again, covered in young, vibrant foliage, and I can't wait for it!

Let's make this month about mindfulness, observing the arrival of Spring, and focusing on what truly matters. Here's my simple, heartwarming, and fulfilling to-do list for a cosy, calm, and happy April:

1. Set Simple Intentions

Start April by deciding how you want this month to feel. Reflect on the year so far and visualise the rest of it. Maybe you want to feel relaxed, energised, or just happy to see the sun more often. Think about realistic, small steps that can lead you to achieve your goals without feeling stressed or pressured. We change with the seasons, and Spring, with its freshness and renewed energy, is a wonderful time to set intentions and start working on your goals and dreams.

2. Embrace Warmer Days

As the days get warmer, it's time to slowly shed winter's heavy layers. I'm so looking forward to it! It feels liberating to leave the house in just a jumper instead of layers upon layers of thick clothes, scarves, and coats. Begin changing your wardrobe to lighter and airier pieces. Think of clothes that make you feel free and embrace the femininity of Spring with colours and patterns that make you feel pretty and optimistic.

3. Spring Cleaning and Decluttering

With the new season comes time for Spring cleaning. It's not about having a perfect, dust-free house but creating a fresh environment that uplifts your spirit. Clutter in our house greatly adds to mental clutter, and by removing it, we give ourselves more physical and mental space.

4. Go Outdoors

One thing I believe we absolutely should do this month (and every other month of the year) is go outdoors. Nature heals everything - from high blood pressure to a broken heart. Spending time in the forest or on the beach will help regulate your mood, connect with the seasons, and is a great exercise in practicing mindfulness by observing changes all around us. In April, there will be a lot to see as flower buds are opening and new leaves are emerging daily!

5. Gardening (Pumpkins!!)

This month, work in the garden continues. For my Autumn girls - April in the UK is the time to plant our beloved pumpkin seeds! You don't need a large garden for this; you can plant pumpkins in containers (I've had success in the past years with the Baby Boo variety). Gardening is a slow, rewarding activity that connects you with nature.

Excuse me for this diversion, but since we're on the topic of pumpkins (I know a few of you felt your heart skip a beat when reading this word:D), just a reminder that we stock Autumn and pumpkin candles all year round. Trust me - you're not going to be the only one burning Pumpkin Spice candles in April; we ship Autumn candles daily... all year round.

6. Welcome Spring Indoors

Bring the essence of April into your home. Decorate with Spring-themed decor, buy fresh, colourful flowers, and light YR studio candles with fresh, floral, and herbal scents. Let the light and freshness of Spring permeate every corner of your home. Our Spring and Summer candle collection will be perfect to bring these happy, Spring vibes into your home!

7. Be a Little Romantic

This time of the year, with the opening flowers and blue skies, is unquestionably the most romantic time of the year! I always feel inspired to wear floral dresses, drink rose tea from elegant china, and of course, re-read or re-watch Pride & Prejudice, diving into the timeless love of Mr. Darcy and Lizzie. Love and romance should flourish in our real-life relationships all year round, and Spring is such a lovely time to cuddle our loved ones a little bit tighter and hold their hand a little bit longer.

This April, let’s take it slow and embrace the beauty of living simply and peacefully. Enjoy the process of transitioning into a new season and find joy in the small moments and changes that Spring brings. Adriana x

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